We’ve spent a week now getting into the rhythm of the semester. Our group dynamics are becoming more obvious, people are finding groups within our larger group, and personalities are growing (or grating) on other ones. I’m sitting in my favorite spot, my window ledge. The double windows protect me from leaning against cold glass, and I can sit content looking out at the courtyard which has in the last week become a big puddle of mud with ditches in it. I think they’re digging around some of the pipes; but whatever is going on, all I know is that I have a view of green leaves and brown mud. If I didn’t have to wash them out by hand, I’d really want to go wrestle someone out in the mud. It looks about perfect for something like that.
We’re getting to know more Russian students. It’s funny because most of them are between 15 and 19, and we’re between 19 and…21 I think. The only reason that it’s funny is just that their faces look so much younger than ours; they’re definitely fun to hang out with. Today a Russian student mistook me for another Russian because I said ‘priviet’ so well. She figured it out pretty fast that I wasn’t actually Russian, but I’m elated that at least I’ve got one word down.
When we first got here I thought the food was delicious. Now…it’s the same food, so it’s probably just as delicious, but since we have pretty much the exact same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I’m afraid that I’m already tired of it. They’ve started serving us coffee at some of our meals, which is AMAZING, especially first thing in the morning. I haven’t really been sleeping much- not because I’m studying or partying, but just because when I lay down, tired, I can’t sleep. And I’ve been up by 5 most days. The smell of coffee in the morning makes it worth lying awake through the night. Well, close enough.
We had our second language teacher on Wednesday, and she’s way more energetic than our first teacher. She doesn’t sit down, she walks around the classroom, laughing when we don’t understand each other and trying to speak German to the student in our class who speaks German. At least, I think that may be what they’re doing. Her name is Yelena.
The babushkas who work in the profilec are my favorite people ever. It’s like having 20 grandmas everywhere, and I’m beginning to recognize them. They are always saying things to me, and I don’t know what it means, so I respond in English, knowing that they have no idea what I’m saying either. But there’s a lot of smiling that goes on, so I know it means we’re friends. Just before I sat down to write this one of them passed me in the hall and said something and patted my arm as she walked by. It made me feel at home, which made me really happy.
Today we finally got to go to the gym that’s next to the campus and play. It was wonderful. To bad we only get to go there on Saturdays! I wish it could be something we do at least every other day…oh well. Running outside here is a different thing altogether from running in Seattle. If someone talks to me, I can’t really communicate with them. I can’t just run wherever and read streets signs to be able to find my way back, because I can’t read the street signs! I think I should really invest in a watch, because I’ve been carrying my alarm clock with me when I run, which is kind of silly.
Last night we had our first weekly ‘art photo’ thing. People submit a photo (I missed this memo and did two) and then everybody looks at them and votes for their favorite. Guess who won the first week? Me! Weird, right? It was a silly picture of a car…I’ll see if I can post it with this.

More misadventures to come!
We’re getting to know more Russian students. It’s funny because most of them are between 15 and 19, and we’re between 19 and…21 I think. The only reason that it’s funny is just that their faces look so much younger than ours; they’re definitely fun to hang out with. Today a Russian student mistook me for another Russian because I said ‘priviet’ so well. She figured it out pretty fast that I wasn’t actually Russian, but I’m elated that at least I’ve got one word down.
When we first got here I thought the food was delicious. Now…it’s the same food, so it’s probably just as delicious, but since we have pretty much the exact same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I’m afraid that I’m already tired of it. They’ve started serving us coffee at some of our meals, which is AMAZING, especially first thing in the morning. I haven’t really been sleeping much- not because I’m studying or partying, but just because when I lay down, tired, I can’t sleep. And I’ve been up by 5 most days. The smell of coffee in the morning makes it worth lying awake through the night. Well, close enough.
We had our second language teacher on Wednesday, and she’s way more energetic than our first teacher. She doesn’t sit down, she walks around the classroom, laughing when we don’t understand each other and trying to speak German to the student in our class who speaks German. At least, I think that may be what they’re doing. Her name is Yelena.
The babushkas who work in the profilec are my favorite people ever. It’s like having 20 grandmas everywhere, and I’m beginning to recognize them. They are always saying things to me, and I don’t know what it means, so I respond in English, knowing that they have no idea what I’m saying either. But there’s a lot of smiling that goes on, so I know it means we’re friends. Just before I sat down to write this one of them passed me in the hall and said something and patted my arm as she walked by. It made me feel at home, which made me really happy.
Today we finally got to go to the gym that’s next to the campus and play. It was wonderful. To bad we only get to go there on Saturdays! I wish it could be something we do at least every other day…oh well. Running outside here is a different thing altogether from running in Seattle. If someone talks to me, I can’t really communicate with them. I can’t just run wherever and read streets signs to be able to find my way back, because I can’t read the street signs! I think I should really invest in a watch, because I’ve been carrying my alarm clock with me when I run, which is kind of silly.
Last night we had our first weekly ‘art photo’ thing. People submit a photo (I missed this memo and did two) and then everybody looks at them and votes for their favorite. Guess who won the first week? Me! Weird, right? It was a silly picture of a car…I’ll see if I can post it with this.
More misadventures to come!
I am so loving reading your blog! It is wonderful to hear about your adventures. I especially enjoying reading your posts because you write the same way that you talk so I feel like I am hearing your stories in person. Have so much fun!
how many photo contests have you now won and how many gross old men have you kissed and how many days of rain and babushkas have you suffered oh-so-piously? tell me.
when i read your blog i am reminded of my dog sadie who is a lot like you; both you and sadie appreciate squares of mashed potatoes with weird meat about the middle.
hit me back: cantinasf@yahoo.com.
- your biggest brother
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